Shop now from any of our collections for your perfect shirt! A purchase of just ONE shirt not only saves a life, but saves families. Want to know how? Check out www.WeAreSOW.org for more information on how you can help support this impactive cause and start impacting lives.

Our Heart
SOW Apparel & Design isn't your normal apparel company just trying to make a buck. In 2016, the founder Monica Dunagan & her husband Shanen, a 100% disabled veteran himself, wanted to make more than just a shirts. They wanted to create a brand that impacts the lives of every veteran and disabled veteran across the United States of America. So they created S.O.W. Apparel!
With every purchase, we reinvest our proceeds into a non-profit organization called Survivors Of War which was also created & founded by both Shanen & Monica Dunagan. Understanding the non-profit game, they didn't want to be your average non-profit, but be so much more. They wanted to create a for-profit entity to help fund their non-profit organization and really make a difference.
For more information please visit us at www.WeAreSOW.org
Please send us a quick message on how we can best serve you! Whether it's creating a custom logo, or a custom order for an event. We've got you covered.