Veteran Punisher
Our Veteran tees are shirts tailored and made to proudly support our vets. We love all our service men & women, so with each purchase you provide an opportunity to change a life! A portion of each purchase is reinvested back into our non-profit Survivors Of War, were we utilize various alternative programs to help improve the psychological and physiological condition of each and every member by using alternative therapies such as golf, jiu-jitsu, scuba, and the great outdoors just to name a few.
We don't make them until you order them. You want your specific branch of service on the shirt? No problem. Whether it's a gift, or a fundraising charity event, we can tailor any shirt design to your request. Please contact us directly with any questions about custom work or bulk orders.
For more information please visit:
Special sizing available upon request - Size range 3XL & up
Children sizes available upon request - (YXS - YXL)