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See Gracie Run, Help Gracie Walk

Gracie Mae was born with a birth defect called Fibular Hemimelia. Her right leg and foot are shorter than the left. She is also missing 2 toes on her right foot. Gracie has undergone several surgeries and an ankle reconstruction as early as 18 months. 


Please join Gracie Mae in her journey of reconstruction and surgeries by supporting Gracie and her family as they endure a long rehabilitation and trips to Baltimore, MD  where Gracie meets with the greatest doctors to help her through her journey.  

"You shaped me first inside, then out; You formed me in my mother's womb."

Psalm 139:13

See Gracie Run Collection

Ways you can HELP!

The Peterson Family has partnered with Survivors Of War to continue to help with the ongoing support of fundraising for Gracie Mae, because even at such a young age she IS a SURVIVOR!!


For every purchase made from the "See Gracie Run" collection, ALL proceeds are going back to the Peterson Family in supporting their long journey of rehabilitation, recovery, and trips back and forth to Baltimore, Maryland.


Thank you for joining us in the battle of Gracie's War!

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